Fall Engineering Design Celebration

Thursday, December 12th, 2024 | 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Clayton Hall, University of Delaware | Newark, DE

The University of Delaware boasts one of the premier engineering design education programs in the country. The 2024 Fall Engineering Design Celebration is a half-day conference that showcases and celebrates our engineering students’ many accomplishments this semester. This year’s celebration features teams of students in the following design categories:

Interdisciplinary Senior Engineering Design

Mechanical Engineering Junior Design

Industrial Design

Statics Wooden Bike Frame Challenge

E3 High School Partners



Technical Presentations

Student teams will deliver in-person technical presentations at Clayton Hall. See Design Category below for detailed presentation schedule and room locations.


Interdisciplinary Senior Engineering Design

Interdisciplinary Senior Engineering Design is the capstone design course in the Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering Programs. The showcase features final technical presentations and a perpetual project gallery for all 41 of our student teams.

Team # Project Name Sponsor Room # Time
101 Catheter Test Fixture Abbott Room 119 11:45-12:15
102 Long-EZ Aircraft Performance Optimization Andrew Meyer Room 101B 12:15-12:45
103 Litho-Mask EIP Cover Elevator ASML Room 124 11:45-12:15
104 Umbilical Cord Manufacturing Optimization Avkin Room 101B 10:00-10:30
105 Modular Airflow Component Test Rig Carbon Reform Room 120 10:00-10:30
106 Large Container Wash System Choice MedWaste Room 119 12:15-12:45
107 Mechanizing Water Wheel Delaware Agricultural Museum Room 120 10:30-11:00
108 Plant Presentation to Overhead Imaging Systems FMC Room 120 1:30-2:00
110 Compact Milk Frother Extension Keurig Dr Pepper Room 119 10:00-10:30
111 Folding Arm Frame Design for Large Payload Drone MaxPran LLC Room 121 10:00-10:30
112 Single-Wheel Test Platform NASA Room 119 2:00-2:30
113 Samba g3l Print Head Flush Station Norwalt Design Room 101B 12:45-1:15
114 Anatomical Plating Design Project for Biomedical Engineering Programs Perry Initiative / Sawbones Room 101B 10:30-11:00
115 Musculoskeletal Tissue Material Characterization Laboratory Curriculum Perry Initiative / Sawbones Room 101B 11:00-11:30
116 Pipe Repair Cart Precision Air Convey Room 120 11:00-11:30
117 Powered Coping Saw Stanley Black & Decker Room 124 12:45-1:15
118 Design-for-manufacture of training device to ensure humane euthanasia for avian species UD Agriculture: Dr. Brian Ladman Room 101B 11:45-12:15
119 Accessible Electrolyzer Test Station UD Center for Clean Hydrogen Room 119 10:30-11:00
120 Automation and Control System for Innovative Additive Fiber Tethering (AFT) UD Mechanical Engineering: Dr. Kelvin Fu Room 120 11:45-12:15
121 Design, Modeling and Control of Agile Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) Capable of Navigating Cluttered Environments. UD Mechanical Engineering: Dr. Paul Huang Room 120 2:00-2:30
122 Entertainment Hoist Redesign UD Dept of Theatre and Dance Room 119 11:00-11:30
123 Anti-Squeak Sneaks Under Armour Room 119 2:30-3:00
124 Footwear Upper Containment Tester Under Armour Room 119 1:30-2:00
125 Highly Potent Substances Repacks Veranova Room 120 12:15-12:45
126 Seam Tape Respooler W.L. Gore Room 120 12:45-1:15
127 High Performance Process Pumps Waters Corporation Room 125 10:00-10:30
128 Digital Fluidic Valve Waters Corporation Room 124 12:15-12:45
201 Design of a New Endotracheal Tube (ET) Holder with a Rolling Slider Nemours Children’s Health Room 124 10:30-11:00
202 Modification of Existing Endotracheal Tubes (ET) for Readability Nemours Children’s Health Room 124 11:00-11:30
203 Design of a Wheelchair Head Support for Individuals with Disabilities UD IEDH and Mary Campbell Center Room 125 12:45-1:15
204 Simplified Limb Sequential Compression Device UD IEDH and Dr. Hisham Sherif Room 125 1:30-2:00
205 Voice Recognition System and Control Module for Autonomous Wheelchair UD IEDH and Mary Campbell Center Room 125 2:00-2:30
206 Quick-Dry Adult Diaper for Palliative Care Patients Heideveld Community Clinic, South Africa Room 125 11:45-12:15
207 Refinement of a Test Device for Measurement of Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms UD Kinesiology and Applied Physiology Room 125 2:30-3:00
208 Wrist protector wearable for weightroom training UD IEDH and UD Athletics Room 125 10:30-11:00
209 Refinement of a Proof-of-Concept Portable Stethoscope Design HERO Stethoscope Room 125 11:00-11:30
210 Simulated Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Lesions Terumo Medical Corporation Room 124 10:00-10:30
211 Morphine Measuring Device for the South African Population UCT, Groote Schuur Hospital and Heideveld Community Clinic, South Africa Room 125 12:15-12:45
300 UD Aero SAE UD Mechanical Engineering Room 101B 1:30-3:00
400 UD Formula SAE UD Mechanical Engineering Room 101A 1:00-3:00

Mechanical Engineering Junior Design

Machine Design is a core junior year mechanical engineering design course featuring a real-world manufacturing and automation challenge from two local industry sponsors, Norwalt Design and Omega Design. The showcase features end-of-semester technical presentations for 13 separate student teams at the midpoint of their two-semester project, which involves the design, manufacture, and validation of an autonomous bottle fill station.

Room TimeTeam #Team Members
Room 12112:00-12:301Alexandra Alatzas, Jonathan Davis, Dominic Devito, Nicholas Garrison, Logan Hahn, Jonathan Hunter, Michael Mutschler, Vaheh Odjourian, Kishan Patel, Colin Swartout
Room 12210:30-11:002Sean Babbitt, Jacob Boughter, Jaiden Buray, John Cleary, Aiden Harper, Thomas Linaris, Ian McKeown, Brennan Sieglen, Charles Sizer, Alexander Spuckti
Room 12211:00-11:303Joseph Farley, Addison Garrett, Luke Gibson, Dayanara Gonzalez-Gomez, Jacob McGuire, Ryan Menet, Thomas Nicosia, Ashly Rojas, Robert Smith, Elliott Wolhar, Ryan Zimmerer
Room 12312:30-1:004David Berson, Christopher Boulden, Jonathan Catterton, Logan Dendorfer, Ciaran Destino, Katlego Matsipane, Tristan McClure, Malcolm Thomas, Joseph Yarbrough, Jack Yoder
Room 12111:00-11:305Michael Adams, Aidan Babbitt, Michael Beckley, Jacob Dotson, Cole Gnutti, David Harbeson, Benjamin Nevling, Daniel Otoole, Michael Poppiti, Stephen Zrebiec
Room 12111:30-12:006Matthew Blair, Kamren Driscoll, Drew Dumchus, John King, Ellyn Mcqueeney, Max Oettinger, Iris Sanchez, Christopher Segura, Anika Sen, Anthony Smaniotto, Gianluca Tiso
Room 12112:30-1:007Avighna Ajesh, Jared Amoss, John Cahill, Colin Coope, Louis Dibiase, William Louden, Benjamin Meredith, Michael Phillips, Matthew Walsh, Matthew Yezek
Room 12310:30-11:008Samuel Auerbach,Santianna Chrysopoulo, Luke Dosen, Steven Giorgi, Tanner Mahoney, Nina Sgambelluri, Kamya Taneja, Emelia Van Slyke, Austin Vecchio, Daniel Willis
Room 12311:00-11:309Cavan Conway, Harrison Davlin, Dalton Facer, Logan Feiler, Khrystyna Kuzhanova, Emily Mallett, Logan Mull, Abigail Nguyen, Connor Syrbe, Catherine Teixeira
Room 12110:30-11:0010David Balogh, Alexander Berman, Aidan Carter, Nicholas Duncan, Blake Gifford, Olivia Langley, Justin Simoncek, Emma Staib, Nicholas Weis, Olivia Wilson
Room 12211:30-12:0011Michael Acevedo, Ibrahim Barry, Austin Breisch, Dev Desai, Nolan Durand, Hisham Khan, Victor Krotoff, Jonathan Rosado, Matthew Sasso, Jonathan Tobin
Room 12212:00-12:3012Skylar Carroll, Matthew Currey, Maddox Derr, Jacob Hogan, Alexander Nash, Sarah Nichols, Connor Penhale, Redwana Tasnim, Shane West, Jared Wierzbicki
Room 12212:30-1:0013Craig Koziel, Ryan Logullo, Nicole Makai, Jack Miller, Timothy Replogle, Paul Rizzo, Roberto Santos, Ariane Elyse Simbulan, Christion Simms, Michael Young

Special thanks to our local industry sponsors, Norwalt Design and Omega Design:

Industrial Design Technical Presentations

Industrial Design (MEEG409/667)

Introduction to Industrial Design is a senior and graduate-level technical elective centered around individual and team-based prototyping projects. Team-based projects are sponsored by Stanley Black and Decker and will be presented during the showcase. Presentations are NDA-restricted. Individual prototyping projects for this course will be on display in the lobby area.

Room TimeDesign ChallengeTeam #Team Members
101A11:30-11:45Material Handling SolutionsA-1Kevin Foerster, Mark Foerster, Andrew Kite, Hermelis Reyes
101A10:15-10:30Material Handling SolutionsA-3Hanaa Abdallah, Jonathan Chellew, Ryan Robison
101A10:30-10:45Material Handling SolutionsA-2Nicholas Amato, Edward Odonnell, Gavin Redgrave
101A10:45-11:00Material Handling SolutionsA-4Kevin Graziose, Adam Grim, Ethan Kacmarcik
101A11:00-11:15Material Handling SolutionsA-5Franklin Alas, Annika Labrador, Kylie Taylor
101A10:00-10:15Personal Protective Equipment (Hard Hats)B-1Jessica Coto, Evan Martin, Deepak Ramesh, Nithin Surendran
101A11:45-12:00Job Site Clean Up SolutionsC-4Sean Congema, Samuel Farca, Suneil, Harzenski
101A12:00-12:15Job Site Clean Up SolutionsC-2Alex Abrams, Jiro Guillen Kuroki, Tyler Meyer, Gianni Saracino
101A12:15-12:30Job Site Clean Up SolutionsC-3Logan Butler, Ryan Cole, Lauren DeSantis
101A12:30-12:45Job Site Clean Up SolutionsC-1Carissa Bonner, Samantha Gerhart, Sylvia Katz, Amelia Klinger

Statics Wooden Bike Frame Challenge

MEEG210: Statics is a core course taught in the Sophomore Year in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Course content focuses on designing and analyzing physical objects that remain stationary and support loads, like structures and machines. As part of this course, students work in teams to design and manufacture an all-wood bike frame. They must predict whether the bike frame can support body weight using the theoretical principles from the course. Their calculations are put to the test in a bike race held on the final day of the semester. The race is sponsored by local bike shop, Wooden Wheels Bikes, who supplies the essential components (like wheels!).

This year’s winning bike frame designs will be on display in the lobby of Clayton Hall during the entire Design Celebration on Dec 12th.

Project Gallery

Special thanks to our local sponsor for this design challenge.

Wooden Wheels

High School Design Showcase

Student teams from local high schools show off their mid-year and end-of-term design projects as part of the UD College of Engineering’s Engineering Education Ecosystem (E3) Program. The showcase features poster presentations and a pitch competition from area high schools.

Rolling Ball Sculpture Poster Presentation & Pitch Competition in the lobby area from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Group 1
Sydney Cusick, Kailyn Lawler, Ruby Reichardt, Sullie Wagner

Group 2
Emma Barton, Jolie Chen

Group 3
Sophia DaGrossa, Symphony Jones

Group 4
Siena Evans, Kendall Reilly

Group 5
Alexis McIntyre, Caroline Merchant

Group 6
Juliana Mongiovi, Sarah Voigt

Awards Ceremony

Please join us to celebrate our students’ achievements starting at 3 p.m. in the Clayton Hall Auditorium (Room 128). This event is open to the public, and students, alumni, friends and family are all welcome.

Senior Design Project Gallery

Browse the Project Gallery below to find out more about our senior design teams, their sponsors, and to watch brief video overviews of their project outcomes. Please note that materials for some teams are restricted due to intellectual-property concerns.


We sincerely thank this year’s senior design sponsors for their support of this program.


Air Liquide

Andrew Meyer (Engineer, Northrop Grumman)



Carbon Reform

Choice MedWaste

Delaware Agricultural Museum


Groote Schuur Hospital

Heideveld Community Clinic, South Africa

HERO Stethoscope

Izbe Innovations LLC


Keurig Dr Pepper

Mary Campbell Center

MaxPran LLC


Nemours Children’s Health

Norwalt Design

Omega Design

Perry Initiative / Sawbones

Precision Air Convey

Stanley Black & Decker


Under Armour



Waters Corporation

University of Cape Town, South Africa

University of Delaware

  • College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
    • Brian Landman
  • College of Arts & Sciences
    • Department of Theatre and Dance
  • UD Athletics
  • College of Health Sciences
    • Department of Kinesiology & Applied Physiology
  • College of Engineering
    • Center for Clean Hydrogen
    • Institute for Engineering Driven Health
    • Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Advisors

Yin Bao, PhD

Jenni Buckley, PhD

David Burris, PhD

Alex De Rosa, PhD

Joseph Feser, PhD

Michael Hast, PhD



Guoquan Huang, PhD

Ashutosh Khandha, PhD

Louisa Palmese, PhD

Sarah Rooney, PhD

Steve Timmins, PhD

Adam Wickenheiser, PhD

Thank You


Many thanks are in order to the staff members who help our students with technical and logistical issues throughout the course of the semester.

The Design Studio & Student Machine Shop Staff: Whitney Sample, Scott Nelson, Ron Cantrell and Shane McFoy, Also the TAs in the Design Studio and Machine Shop

Administrative Support: : Elaine Nelson, April English, Ann Connor, Anita Brown, Jazmyn Curry, Nancy England, Pat Fox, Shanice Gravely, Brenda Jackson, Vicky Tosh-Morelli. 

We sincerely thank this year’s guest evaluators for their support of this program.