Named Professorships are prestigious, endowed awards that recognize leaders in their fields and support future discovery. The UD College of Engineering is proud to recognize a diverse group of faculty members with these appointments. To be selected for Named Professorships, faculty members must be in the top 10% of their research disciplines, do extensive work as role models for junior faculty and demonstrate excellence in educational activities. They must be nominated and then recommended by a committee of Named Professors, the Dean, and the Provost and President.

Kenneth E. Barner
Charles Black Evans Professor of Electrical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chair, COE Named Professors Committee
Research: Statistical signal processing, nonlinear and sparse signal processing, sensor network and consensus systems, machine learning, and information access methods for individuals with disabilities, including tactile, haptic, and multimodal systems. Google Scholar
This professorship honors Charles Black Evans, secretary-treasurer of the University’s Board of Trustees from 1896-1933. Evans Hall, home of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, is named after Evans and his father, George C. Evans, a member of the Board of Trustees from 1856 until 1904.

Suresh Advani
Unidel Pierre S. du Pont Chair of Engineering
Research: Rheology, fluid mechanics and heat transfer as applied to composite processing and alternate energy sources such as fuel cells and hydrogen storage. Google Scholar

Gonzalo R. Arce
Charles Black Evans Professor of Electrical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research: Nonlinear signal processing, wireless communications, statistical signal processing, electronic imaging and display, bioelectronics, image processing, multimedia security and communications. Google Scholar
This professorship honors Charles Black Evans, secretary-treasurer of the University’s Board of Trustees from 1896-1933. Evans Hall, home of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, is named after Evans and his father, George C. Evans, a member of the Board of Trustees from 1856 until 1904.

Anthony N. Beris
Arthur B. Metzner Professor of Chemical Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Modeling and simulation of complex flows, nonequilibrium thermodynamics and transport phenomena. Google Scholar
This professorship honors the late Arthur B. Metzner, who came to the University in 1953 and chaired the Department of Chemical Engineering from 1970-77. He was a member of the National Academy of Engineering and received the UD’s Francis Alison Award.

Wilfred Chen
Gore Professor of Chemical Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Cellular and metabolic engineering, synthetic biology for biofuel production, protein therapeutics, viral detection, drug discovery, and protein purification. Google Scholar
This professorship honors the Gore family, including Robert W. Gore `59, Sarah I. Gore `76M and the late Genevieve W. Gore. Robert W. Gore, a 1959 chemical engineering graduate of the University of Delaware, served as president of W. L. Gore and Associates, Inc. and is a member of the UD Board of Trustees. In 1990, Dr. Gore received the College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award and he was inducted into UD’s Alumni Wall of Fame in 1992.

Greg Chirikjian
Willis F. Harrington Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Research: Robotics, Computer Vision, Automation, and Manufacturing. Google Scholar
Willis F. Harrington Sr., whose memory is honored by named professorships in chemistry, graduated from UD in 1902 and received another degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before entering the chemical industry, where he was involved in the manufacture of dyes. He and his brother, Chancellor William Watson Harrington, an 1895 graduate of UD and a trustee for 59 years, were long-time friends of the University.

Rachel Davidson
Donald C. Phillips Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Research: Natural disaster risk modeling, civil infrastructure systems. Google Scholar
This professorship honors Donald C. Phillips, an alumnus of the University of Delaware’s Class of 1948, who through his estate provided a generous gift to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Mr. Phillips earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and went on to lead an accomplished career as a construction engineer.

Dominic M. Di Toro
Edward C. Davis Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Research: Water quality modeling, the development of mathematical and statistical models for water quality and sediment studies. Google Scholar
- National Academy of Engineering, 2005
This professorship honors the late Edward C. Davis, who graduated from then-Delaware College in 1905 with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He became one of the nation’s leading hydraulic engineers and was a generous benefactor to the University.

Rudolf Eigenmann
Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research: optimizing compilers, programming methodologies, tools, and performance evaluation for high-performance computing, as well as the design of cyberinfrastructure.. Google Scholar

Dawn M. Elliott
Blue & Gold Distinguished Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Research: Biomechanics of collagenous soft tissues and intervertebral disc function, degeneration, and restoration. Google Scholar

Thomas H. Epps, III
Allan and Myra Ferguson Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Renewable and sustainable polymers, polymer membranes for batteries, polymer composites, drug delivery, nanoscale assembly of polymers. Google Scholar
This professorship was established in 2015 with a gift from UD alumni Allan and Myra Ferguson. Allan Ferguson had a 20-year career as a chemical engineer at Johnson & Johnson, then senior operating positions at two biotech companies, followed by 20-plus years in international venture capital investing in early-stage biotech and medical device companies.

Eric M. Furst
William H. Severns, Jr. Distinguished Chair of Chemical Engineering
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Colloid and polymer physics, microrheology, active and non-linear microrheology, controlled delivery of therapeutics, cell biophysics, complex fluid structure and rheology, particulate gels, directed self-assembly. Google Scholar

Jill Higginson
George W. Laird Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Research: Biomechanical engineering, Musculoskeletal Biomechanics, Neuroengineering & Rehabilitation Google Scholar
This professorship honors the memory of George W. Laird, an alumnus of the University of Delaware’s College of Engineering who earned a master’s degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering in 1971. He was killed in a tragic accident in 1977. The funds for this endowment were provided through the George W. Laird Fund in Mechanical Engineering.

Tian-Jian (Tom) Hsu
Donald C. Phillips Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Research: numerical modeling/simulation of various non-cohesive and cohesive sediment transport, wave-driven on/offshore transport, beach erosion. Google Scholar
This professorship honors Donald C. Phillips, an alumnus of the University of Delaware’s Class of 1948, who through his estate provided a generous gift to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Mr. Phillips earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and went on to lead an accomplished career as a construction engineer.

Chin-Pao Huang
Donald C. Phillips Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Emeritus
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Research: Industrial wastewater management, aquatic chemistry, chemical oxidation technologies. Google Scholar
- Francis Alison Faculty Award, 2008
This professorship honors Donald C. Phillips, an alumnus of the University of Delaware’s Class of 1948, who through his estate provided a generous gift to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Mr. Phillips earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and went on to lead an accomplished career as a construction engineer.

Marianthi Ierapetritou
Bob and Jane Gore Centennial Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Process operations, design and synthesis of flexible production systems focusing on pharmaceutical manufacturing, energy and sustainability process modeling and operations, and modeling of biopharmaceutical production. Google Scholar
This professorship acknowledges the generosity of Robert W. ’59 ’10H and Jane Gore.

James T. Kirby
Edward C. Davis Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Research: Applied coastal research, currents, wave conditions, nearshore oceanography. Google Scholar
This professorship honors the late Edward C. Davis, who graduated from then-Delaware College in 1905 with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He became one of the nation’s leading hydraulic engineers and was a generous benefactor to the University.

LaShanda Korley
Distinguished Professor of Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Taking inspiration from nature, her research program involves understanding the design rules employed by nature and applying these strategies to the development of mechanically-enhanced and tunable materials. Google Scholar

Kelvin H. Lee
Gore Professor of Chemical Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Gene expression monitoring tools, including mass spectrometry, for the measurement of protein expression relevant to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries and to human health.
This professorship honors the Gore family, including Trustee Robert W. Gore `59, Sarah I. Gore `76M and the late Genevieve W. Gore. Robert W. Gore, a 1959 chemical engineering graduate of the University of Delaware, served as president of W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc and also was a member of the UD Board of Trustees. In 1990, Dr. Gore received the College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award and he was inducted into UD’s Alumni Wall of Fame in 1992.

Abraham M. Lenhoff
Allan P. Colburn Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Applied protein biophysics, separation processes and colloid and interface science. Google Scholar
- Francis Alison Faculty Award, 2014
This professorship honors Allan P. Colburn, a nationally prominent chemical engineer who was chairman of UD’s Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Dr. Colburn also served as acting president of the University in 1950 and provost from 1950 until his death in 1955.

Raul F. Lobo
Claire D. LeClaire Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research Inorganic materials synthesis and characterization, catalysis and kinetics, and adsorption and separations. Google Scholar
This professorship was made possible by the endowment of the late Mr. Claire D. LeClaire, formerly of Dover, in support of chemical engineering efforts at the University

David C. Martin
Karl W. and Renate Böer Chaired Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Research: Materials via self assembly, Microelectronics/photonics, Nanotechnology, New biomaterials, Tissue Engineering. Google Scholar
The professorship honors Karl W. Böer, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics and Solar Energy, and Renate Böer, an authority in the field of international trade. A pioneer in the fields of solar cells, solar energy systems, and solid state physics, Dr. Böer was a faculty member from 1962-1994. In 1987, the University established the Karl W. Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit in his honor. Dr. Boer also was awarded UD’s Medal of Distinction in 1998.

Eleftherious T. Papoutsakis
Unidel Eugene du Pont Chair
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Systems biology, metabolic engineering, and experimental and computational genomics. Google Scholar
- National Academy of Engineering, 2018
This chair honors Eugene du Pont, who served as the fourth president of the DuPont Co. from 1889-1902. The Eugene du Pont Distinguished Memorial Scholars program, funded by a Unidel Foundation endowment and supporting highly qualified incoming freshmen, also is named in his honor.

Darrin Pochan
Distinguished Professor of Materials Science
Materials Science and Engineering
Research: Biopolymer Nanocomposites, Biopolymer single crystal growth and characterization, Directed magnetic nanoparticle assembly with silk-like peptides, Hydrogel formation via block copolypeptide self-assembly. Google Scholar

Ajay K. Prasad
College of Engineering Alumni Distinguished Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Research: Applying fundamental fluids and thermal physics to renewable energy technologies including hydrogen fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries, wind and solar. Google Scholar
Established in 2007 by more than 50 UD alumni and their employers, the College of Engineering Alumni Professorship endowment assists the college in attracting and retaining the best and brightest talent in engineering education and research.

Dennis W. Prather
College of Engineering Alumni Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research: The development of micro-, meso- and nano-photonic devices, applied optics and electromagnetic research, and imaging technologies in the millimeter-wave (mmW) part of the spectrum. Google Scholar
This named professorship is supported by an endowment fund established by alumni in 2004 to assist in attracting and retaining the best and brightest talent in engineering education and research.

Weisong Shi
Alumni Distinguished Professor
Computer and Information Sciences
Research: Edge Computing, Vehicle Computing, Autonomous Vehicles, and Connected Health. Google Scholar

Millicent O. Sullivan
Alvin B. and Julie O. Stiles Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Biomaterials for drug delivery, gene delivery, and tissue engineering, with specific therapeutic targets including metastatic breast cancer, bone repair, wound healing, and cardiovascular repair. Google Scholar

Levi Thompson
Elizabeth Inez Kelley Professor of Chemical Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Design and synthesize nanoscale materials for catalytic and energy storage applications. Google Scholar
- National Academy of Engineering, 2021

Dionisios G. Vlachos
Unidel Dan Rich Chair in Energy
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Multiscale simulation, reacting flows, reaction mechanism development, microreactors, portable power, energy, crystal growth, nanomaterials, zeolites, membranes, separations, cellular engineering and cancer. Google Scholar
Funded by the Unidel Foundation, this endowed chair honors Dan Rich for his distinguished service as the University’s provost from 2001 to 2009.

Norman J. Wagner
Unidel Robert L. Pigford Chair in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, molecular thermodynamics. Google Scholar
- National Academy of Engineering, 2015
- Francis Alison Faculty Award, 2020
Funded by the Unidel Foundation, this professorship honors Robert L. Pigford, chairperson of the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering from 1947-66, the first recipient of the University’s Francis Alison Faculty Award and a member of the UD.

Cathy Huey-Hwa Wu
Unidel Edward G. Jefferson Chair in Engineering and Computer Science
Computer and Information Sciences
Research: bioinformatics and computational systems biology. Google Scholar
The Unidel Edward G. Jefferson Chair honors the late Edward Jefferson, former chairman and chief executive officer of the DuPont Company and a University trustee and benefactor. The Jefferson Chair is funded through an endowment established by the Unidel Foundation.

Xiang-Gen Xia
Charles Black Evans Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research: Wireless communications systems, space-time coding, time-frequency analysis, and other signal and image processing. Google Scholar
This professorship honors Charles Black Evans, secretary-treasurer of the University’s Board of Trustees from 1896-1933. Evans Hall, home of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, is named after Mr. Evans and his father George C. Evans, a member of the Board of Trustees from 1856 until 1904.

Yushan Yan
Henry Belin du Pont Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Electrochemical energy engineering; Energy conversion and storage; fuel cells; electrolyzers; flow batteries; electrochemistry; electrocatalysis; polymer electrolytes; electrochemical interfaces; zeolites and covalent organic frameworks. Google Scholar
- National Academy of Engineering, 2022
This chair honors Henry Belin du Pont, who served on the Board of Trustees from 1944 until his death in 1970. His unusually diverse educational background and other life-long interests set the tone for his broad-based role at Delaware. Being well informed about business, science, and technology issues, he was a leader in community development. Upon his death, he bequeathed a substantial legacy to the University.
Career Development Named Professors
![]() | Abdulaziz (Aziz) Banawi | Edgar P. Small Professor of Construction Engineering and Management |
![]() | Mark Blenner | Thomas and Kipp Gutshall Career Development Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
![]() | Sunita Chandrasekaran | David L. Mills and Beverly J.C. Mills Career Development Chair |
![]() | Shangjia Dong | Bentley Systems Early Career Professor |
![]() | Cathy Fromen | Centennial Term Professor for Excellence in Research and Education |
![]() | Kelvin Fu | Terri Connor Kelly and John Kelly Career Development Professor of Mechanical Engineering |
![]() | Aditya Kunjapur | Thomas Willing Early Career Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
![]() | Dongxia Liu | Robert K. Grasselli, Ph.D. Development Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
![]() | Kevin Solomon | Thomas and Kipp Gutshall Career Development Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
![]() | Rui Zhang | Daniel L. Chester Mid-Career Professor of Computer and Information Sciences |