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Graduate Student Organizations

Engineering is a team sport and one of the ways that students learn to play effectively and win is to develop the ability to work productively with a diversity of people in different scenarios through participation in student organizations.

  • COE EmPOWER – A student-led peer mentoring initiative for graduate students.
  • MEGA – Mechanical Engineering Graduate Association (MEGA), a representative body created to engage graduate students in the department within and outside of research.
  • Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering – a representative body created to provide a supportive community for women in the department.
  • Women In Engineering – Group of women engineering graduate students supported by the Dean’s office to help promote the participation and success of women in engineering.

Engineering Student Organizations with Graduate Membership

Visit COE Student Group Funding and the Engineering Student Organizations page for contact information.

To become an official UD Graduate Student Organization (GSO) you must register your organization with the Graduate College.  All GSOs must register every year to stay in good standing.  There are a host of graduate student organizations centrally supported by the Graduate College.

Have a suggestion or update to this list? Email engr-gradsupport@udel.edu