Fall Engineering Design Celebration

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 | 2 pm – 7 pm

Clayton Hall, University of Delaware | Newark, DE

The University of Delaware boasts one of the premier engineering design education programs in the country. The 2022 Fall Engineering Design Celebration is a half-day conference that showcases and celebrates our engineering students’ many accomplishments this semester. This year’s celebration features teams of students in the following design categories:

Interdisciplinary Senior Engineering Design

Mechanical Engineering Junior Design

Industrial Design

Statics Wooden Bike Race Challenge

E3 High School Partners



Technical Presentations

Student teams will deliver in-person technical presentations at Clayton Hall. See Design Category below for detailed presentation schedule and room locations.


Interdisciplinary Senior Engineering Design

Interdisciplinary Senior Engineering Design is the capstone design course in the Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering Programs. The showcase features final technical presentations and a perpetual project gallery for all 47 of our student teams.

Team # Project Name Sponsor Room # Time
101 Training model for a minimally invasive procedure for the left heart pathology Abbott Auditorium 128 3:00-3:30
102 Improved Slurry Addition Device Agilent Technologies Room 101B 2:00-2:30
103 Hydrogen refueling station safety improvements Air Liquide Room 124 5:15-5:45
104 Optimization of aircraft engine cowling Andrew Meyer (Engineer, Northrop Grumman) Room 125 2:00 – 2:30
105 EDM Fatigue Testing Machine ASML Room 119 2:00-2:30
106 Wearable Postpartum Hemorrhage Healthcare Simulator Avkin Room 101A 4:15-4:45
107 Water System Calibration Process Improvement Bloom Energy Room 125 3:45 – 4:15
108 Dielectric Leak Tester Project Bloom Energy Room 123 4:15 – 4:45
109 Sonic Vibration System for Molded Chocolate CHL Systems Room 123 4:45 – 5:15
110 Combine feeder crop sample door CNH Room 124 3:30 – 4:00
111 Mechanism to Control Placement of a Color Measuring Instrument on a Sample Datacolor Room 125 2:30 – 3:00
112 Thickness Uniformity Measurement Set-up for CVD Diamond Wafers Applied Diamond Inc Room 119 2:30 – 3:00
113 Design and Fabrication of Drone Bodies & Propellers DowAksa Room 125 4:15 – 4:45
114 Multi-Station Creep Testing Equipment DuPont Room 121 4:15 – 4:45
115 Golf Ball-Club Impact Replicator Fujikura Room 101B 3:00 – 3:30
116 Improved Suture Diameter Measurement Fixture J&J – Ethicon Inc Room 121 4:45 – 5:15
117 Robotic Joint Characterization for Next Gen Surgical Robot J&J – Ethicon Inc Room 124 4:45 – 5:15
118 Automated Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) measurement system Keurig Dr Pepper Room 123 5:15 – 5:45
119 EDM Autofill Attachment KVI Room 101B 3:45 – 4:15
120 Play Center Redesign Melissa & Doug Toys Room 101A 4:45 – 5:15
121 Filler and Capper for Cirkul Norwalt Design Room 101B 2:30 – 3:00
122 TrimPAC EZ Static Elimination Precision Air Convey Room 119 3:00 – 3:30
123 Bulk System Fluids Bottle Stopper/Crimp Assembly Automation Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Room 101B 4:15 – 4:45
124 Liquid Waste Vacuum Separator Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Room 125 3:00 – 3:30
125 Plier Mechanical Advantage and Cut Force Tester Stanley Black & Decker Room 124 4:15 – 4:45
126 Build-a-Clamp Stanley Black & Decker Room 121 5:15-5:45
127 High performance quiet dustbuster hand vacuum Stanley Black & Decker Room 125 4:45 – 5:15
128 Mechanical separation of darkling beetles from poultry litter prior to field application UD Agricultural Entomology Lab Room 120 4:15 – 4:45
129 Redesign of a training device to ensure humane euthanasia for avian species UD Agriculture: Dr. Brian Ladman Auditorium 128 2:00 – 2:30
130 Soil Surface Displacement Sensors UD Plant & Soil Sciences: Sparks Lab Auditorium 128 2:30 – 3:00
131 Smart Skins Under Armour Room 101A 5:15 – 5:45
132 Scrape Abrasion Testing on Insulated Wiring W.L. Gore Room 101B 4:45 – 5:15
133 NASA turbulent flow experiment for the International Space Station UD Mechanical Engineering: Dr. Tyler Van Buren Auditorium 128 4:45 – 5:15
201 Development and optimization of a low cost motion capture system to analyze joint kinematics during martial arts Nemours Room 120 2:00 – 2:30
202 Design of an adaptable device to help bicycle steering with one hand for children with congenital below-elbow amputation Nemours Room 120 2:30 – 3:00
203 Design of a mechanical device to assist patients suffering from respiratory problems University of Cape Town: Sivarasu Lab Room 119 3:45 – 4:15
204 Frugal Emergency Oxygen Can Air Liquide Room 119 4:15 – 4:45
205 External Knee Loading Platform UD Biomedical Engineering: Axel Moore Room 120 3:00 – 3:30
206 Design and development of athletic protective equipment to prevent hand fractures UD Athletics & Recreation/Athletic Training Room 120 3:45 – 4:15
207 Design and optimization of a post-amputation therapy device TheraV Room 122 4:15 – 4:45
208 Design of an adaptor system to make existing breast pumps reusable and prevent contamination Nemours Room 122 5:15 – 5:45
209 Design of a safe feed alarm system to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Nemours Room 122 4:45 – 5:15
210 Portable Impact Testing for Medical Device Packaging Terumo Medical Corporation Auditorium 128 3:45-4:15
211 Catheter with variable bending and torsion capabilities Terumo Medical Corporation Auditorium 128 4:15 – 4:45
300 UD Aero SAE UD Department of Mechanical Engineering – ASAE Pencader 103 4:00 – 5:30
400 UD Formula SAE UD Department of Mechanical Engineering – FSAE Pencader 117 4:00 – 6:00
500 UD DOE Collegiate Wind Competition (CWC) Piasecki Aircraft Corporation and UD Mechanical Engineering Pencader 103 3:00 – 4:00

Mechanical Engineering Junior Design

Machine Design is a core junior year mechanical engineering design course featuring a real-world manufacturing and automation challenge from two local industry sponsors, Norwalt Design and Omega Design. The showcase features end-of-semester technical presentations for 15 separate student teams at the midpoint of their two-semester project, which involves the design, manufacture, and validation of an autonomous bottle fill station.

RoomTimeTeamTeam Members
Room 1213:00-3:30Team 1Ryan Engel, Stuart Alexander, Bryan Tiamson, Gianni Saracino, Matt Schrock, Yae June Jang, Ryan Webb, Walden Conan Meredith, Chloe Kerwin, Connor Lammey
Room 1213:30-400Team 2Jacob Prince, Jospeh C Harwell, Cole Shoter, Samuel Farca, Hanna Burrowes, Andrew Place, Bryant Lambert, Jessica Cohen, Ben Caro
Room 1212:00-2:30Team 3Max Leary, Alex Wolff, Matthew Pham, Matthew Meredith, Tyler Meyer, Justin Sayers, Ryan McLaughlin, Adam Grim, Andrew Roth, Alex Abrams
Room 1212:30-3:00Team 4Brandon Awosanya, Heirkhan Borjigin, Jake Ventresca, Jasmine Middaugh, Connor Ludwin, Matthew Ongtawco, Alexander Wilson, Nana Sarpong, Colin Homassel, Justin Orriols
Room 1242:00-2:30Team 5Joshua Ford, Brendan M Conners, Samuel Bolan, Marcus Ceglinski, Charles Spence, Maxwell Demsky, Goodwin Cobb, Michael Kaehler, Diego Barrios
Room 1242:30-3:00Team 6Brianna Martin, Sean Congema, Angel Casanova, Diana Villanueva, Kyle Wolf, Suneil Harzenski, Cameron Emmett, Sean O'Sullivan, Yajaira Vergara-Guzman
Room 1243:00-3:30Team 7James Marsh, Ethan Hensinger, Matthew Treon, Yue Bao, Camera Aliff, Connor Jones, Ian Crabtree, Zachary Schiffman, Joshua Ginsberg
Room 1233:00-3:30Team 8Kevin Graziose, Grace Hammond, Sierra Gloria, Sibyl Roosen, Samuel Beck, Ethan Porette, Andrew Smith, Robert Martin, Prasanna Krishnamoorthy, Noah Etienne
Room 1233:30-4:00Team 9Tej S Patel, Jacob Meredith, Matthew Hansen, Donovan Haverly, Madison Johnson, Miguel Vasquez, Gwyneth Clarke, Kevin Wolynetz, Mikey Ainsworth, Jenna Taylor
Room 1232:00-2:30Team 10Sara Dugan, Hannah Epstein, Michael Forte, Michael Graden, Ethan Kacmarcik, Garret Snyder, Marleen Toney, Ralph Wilkinson, Hunter Wolhar, Tommy Zheng
Room 1232:30-3:00Team 11Matthew Abraham, Nick Bailey, Rafe Garcia-Hidalgo, David Kinney, Nicholas Miller, Sean Moore, Spencer Smith, Owen Stein, Dylan Taylor, John Welborn
Room 1222:00-2:30Team 12Eman Rios, Alysa Hutton, Thomas Gordan, Joshua LaFrance, Edwin Torres, Matthew Lecates, Braden Cluett, Colleen Cavagnaro, Kenny Madden, Melanie Schuessler
Room 1222:30-3:00Team 13Xavier Stephenson, Justin Clifton, Damon Dowdy, Harrison Williams, Bradley Fry, Michael Pugh, Matthew Cleary, Jack Arnuk, David Gelber, Anthony Jiang
Room 1223:00-3:30Team 14Katia Hehn, Joseph Beck, Samantha Schultz, Gianna Patti, Zachary Mckennedy, William Gaither, Raymond Gusakov, Alexandra Pfeifer, Julieta Honrubia Andrino, Samuel Parker
Room 1223:30-4:00Team 15Rory Kooker, Sophia Waxman, Evan Martin, Stuart Kotch, Tyler Devitt, Scott Otto, Brian Coyle, Maya Zagari, Corey Sookerman, Jessica Coto

Special thanks to our local industry sponsors, Norwalt Design and Omega Design:

Industrial Design

Introduction to Industrial Design is a technical elective in the Mechanical Engineering department that focuses on user-centered design principles and mixed-methods iterative prototyping. For this first year of the course, UD Mechanical Engineering has partnered with Stanley Black & Decker to re-imagine real world products in their hand and power tools division.

Stanley Black & Decker is a Fortune 500 American manufacturer of industrial tools and household hardware based in Baltimore, Maryland. The company’s iconic and trusted brands are known for outstanding performance for end-users ranging from professional tradespersons to do-it-yourselfers. SBD-HTAS is responsible for brands including DeWalt, Black & Decker, Craftsman, Irwin, and many more.

Technical Presentations & Prototype Demonstrations – 2-4 pm – Clayton Hall Room 101A


RoomTimeDesign ChallengeTeam #Team Members
101A2:00-2:10Welcome & Course IntroAll
101A2:10-2:20Tool Chest3Jacob Flenner, Logan McKinney, Caylin Payne
101A2:20-2:30PEX Cutter9Chris Bond, Jordan Carton, Ryan Rudek
101A2:30-2:40Knife Slider4Dominic Corona, Christina Genario, Mickayla Harris, Bethany Newton
101A2:40-2:50Knife Slider7Daniel Drewnowski, Jason Kelsch, Trevor Seitel
101A2:50-3:00Power Drill8Michael Hall, Mike Naab, Tyler Phommachanh, Harrison Silverston
101A3:00-3:10Knife Slider6Claire Cho, Maredy Felipe-Lucas, Vea Hernandez, Cassidy McCormick
101A3:10-3:20PEX Cutter5Sarah Bartlett, Sebastian Graper, Hollyann Tobon
101A3:20-3:30Power Drill1Ben Hemrick, Lorrha Hitchner, TJ Kaifer
101A3:30-3:40Knife Slider2Rocky Li, Evan McCleary, Gavin McMahon, Jordan Tatis
101A3:40-4:00Prototype GalleryAll

Statics Wooden Bike Frame Challenge

MEEG210: Statics is a core course taught in the Sophomore Year in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Course content focuses on designing and analyzing physical objects that remain stationary and support loads, like structures and machines. As part of this course, students work in teams to design and manufacture an all-wood bike frame. They must predict whether the bike frame can support body weight using the theoretical principles from the course. Their calculations are put to the test in a bike race held on the final day of the semester. The race is sponsored by local bike shop, Wooden Wheels Bikes, who supplies the essential components (like wheels!).

This year’s winning bike frame designs will be on display in the lobby of Clayton Hall during the entire Design Celebration on Dec 14th. To view all projects in this year’s Statics class, visit the online Project Gallery.

Project Gallery

Special thanks to our local sponsor for this design challenge.

Wooden Wheels

High School Design Showcase

Student teams from local high schools show off their mid-year and end-of-term design projects as part of the UD College of Engineering’s Engineering Education Ecosystem (E3) Program. The showcase features poster presentations and a pitch competition from area high schools including Brandywine High School, Concord High School, and Padua Academy.

Poster Presentation & Pitch Competition in the lobby area from 4-5 pm.

High SchoolProject TitleFacultyTeam Members
Brandywine High SchoolLow-cost Assistive Tech for home-use to combat learned helplessness and develop self-efficacyDr. Jud WagnerThomas Baer, Noah Fake, Arun Krishnamurthy, Anand John, Gabriel Pust
Brandywine High SchoolHighly intuitive photogate for concrete thinkers learning physics for the first timeDr. Jud WagnerJake Valentine, Lucas Kroon, Victoria Poole, Matthew Andrews
Brandywine High SchoolPortable modular belt-mounted voice amplification system to reduce gym teacher vocal strain.Dr. Jud WagnerDrew Warrington
Concord High SchoolAdapted Seat for Cafeteria BenchesDr. Jordan EstockNick Henry
Padua AcademyFree Standing Pill DispenserMrs. Cheryl SzurkowskiAlexis Greenjack, Sophia Holgado, Taylor Kozink
Padua AcademyAdjustable CupholderMrs. Cheryl SzurkowskiElizabeth Drost, Paige Degnan, Audrey Bruening
Padua AcademyThe Bag ClawMrs. Cheryl SzurkowskiElla Aghajanian, Molly Bell, Madeline Goudy, Abby Moore
Padua AcademyBackseat Buddy Organizing TrayMrs. Cheryl SzurkowskiGrace Perry, Meredith Hill, Lauren Miller, Riley Robertson

Awards Ceremony

Please join us for a live webinar session to celebrate our students’ achievements starting at 6 pm in the Clayton Hall Auditorium (Room 128). This event is open to the public, and students, alumni, friends and family are all welcome.

Senior Design Project Gallery

Browse the Project Gallery below to find out more about our senior design teams, their sponsors, and to watch brief video overviews of their project outcomes. Please note that materials for some teams are restricted due to intellectual-property concerns.


We sincerely thank this year’s senior design sponsors for their support of this program.


Agilent Technologies

Air Liquide

Applied Diamond



Bloom Energy

CHL Systems

CNH Industrial





Johnson & Johnson – Ethicon Inc

Keurig Dr Pepper


Melissa & Doug LLC

Andrew Meyer


Norwalt Design

Omega Design

Piasecki Aircraft Corporation

Precision Air Convey

Siemens Healthcare

Stanley Black & Decker



Under Armour


University of Cape Town, South Africa

University of Delaware

  • College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
    • Crossley Laboratory
    • Ladman Laboratory
    • Sparks Laboratory
  • Dept. Athletics
  • Dept. Biomedical Engineering: Elliott Laboratory
  • Dept. Mechanical Engineering: Van Buren Laboratory

Faculty Advisors

Sonia Bansal, PhD

Jenni Buckley, PhD

David Burris, PhD

Alex De Rosa, PhD

Curtis Johnson, PhD

Julie Karand, PhD

Michael Keefe, PhD

Ashutosh Khandha, PhD

Ajay Prasad, PhD

Sarah Rooney, PhD

Mike Santare, PhD

Steve Timmins, PhD

Tyler Van Buren, PhD

Adam Wickenheiser, PhD

Thank You


Many thanks are in order to the staff members who help our students with technical and logistical issues throughout the course of the semester.

The Design Studio & Student Machine Shop Staff: Whitney Sample, Scott Nelson, and Ron Cantrell, Also the TAs in the Design Studio and Machine Shop

Administrative Support: Elaine Nelson, Amy Adams, Ann Connor, Allie Andrews, Michele Schwander, Cynthia Papettas, Melanie Smith, Nancy England, Amanda Ramsaran, Vicky Tosh-Morelli, and Kristin Schmidt.

We sincerely thank this year’s guest evaluators for their support of this program.