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Student Organizations

Engineering RSOs and other Student Organizations

The College of Engineering provides College-level advisement to all Engineering Student Organizations in order to maximize their cooperation, coordination and participation in College-wide student developmental activities.

Student involvement in College-based student organizations is a critical element of success in engineering. Engineering is a team sport and one of the ways that students learn to play effectively and win is to develop the ability to work productively with a diversity of people in different scenarios. The College values our broad offering of student organizations and encourages all of our students to take advantage of this rich developmental resource.

College of Engineering

Alpha Omega Epsilon

Alpha Omega Epsilon is a social and professional sorority that promotes women in engineering and technical sciences while adhering to our pillars of friendship leadership and professionalism.

Advisor: Jennifer Righman McConnell
Bentley Systems Early Career Professor, Civil & Environmental EG 

President: Sofia Torres

Vice Presidents: Aadhira Gopalan, Amara Kollas

Secretary: Avery Wolverton

Treasurer: Allison Delozier

Membership Educator: Brenna Derby

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/udaoe/home

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without Borders-USA is a non-profit, humanitarian organization of dedicated and enthusiastic students and professionals who envision a world where everyone has access to adequate sanitation, safe drinking water, and resources to meet their basic needs.

Engineers Without Borders at the University of Delaware (EWB-UD) is a student-run organization that has completed a potable water supply project in Cameroon and a bridge project in Guatemala. EWB-UD’s current international projects involve borehole well implementation in Malawi and water disinfection/distribution in the Philippines. In addition to international projects, EWB-UD students engage with the Newark community and participate in research projects. EWB-UD’s ReachOut group hosts local projects and volunteer events, while the Research team is currently experimenting with microbial fuel cells.

Visit our Website or Instagram for more information!

Advisor: Jennie Saxe & Julie Karand

President: Rebecca Beswick

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.

Advisor: Sheldon Hewlett
Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering

President: Nana Sarpong

Vice President: Joshua Artis

Secretary: Oluwatomiwa Morikinyo

Treasurer: Priya Salako

Parliamentarian/Senator 1: Mary Musa

Senator 2: Jordan Frisby

Membership/Academic Excellence Chair: Sheldon Llewellyn

Programs Chair: Daniah Jones

PCI Chair: Faith Skinner

Eterns: Emmanuel Ortiz, Angel Casanova, Maliq Adewale, Victor Udo

Website: https://www.nsbe.org/

Out in STEM

oSTEM envisions a world where all members of the LGBTQ+ community in STEM fields can pursue their work in a safe and supportive environment that celebrates their contributions and differences. To accomplish this, oSTEM will:

  1. educate, empower, and engage a diverse community
  2. identify, address, and advocate for the needs of LGBTQ+ students in the fields of STEM and
  3. fulfill student needs through mentorship connections, networking opportunities, strategic collaborations, and professional/leadership development

Advisors: Josh Enszer and Jenni Buckley

President: Sam Burger

Website: https://sites.google.com/udel.edu/ostem-ud/home

Sigma Phi Delta

Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity is an organization founded upon brotherhood and professionalism which seeks to aid in the betterment of the individual and the community in one simultaneous effort. As engineering students, it is understood that we will be the leaders of tomorrow in not only the singular fields of science, technology, and engineering, but in business, philanthropy, our own communities, and the grand field referred to as life.

These four years are the foundation we shall use to accomplish the great things of which we are capable. Just as it was with the great lineage of Sigma Phi Delta brothers that have come before us and shall be henceforth called alumni of our brotherhood, our intentions are not the attainment of the material and Sigma Phi Delta is not a vehicle for personal benefit, rather a life long medium for brotherhood and the advancement of our profession with humility, dignity, honor and friendship.

AdvisorEric M. Furst
Professor, and Chairperson of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 

President: Michael Forte

Vice President: Brandon Marafino

Secretary: William Brown

Treasurer: Andrew McGinley

Website: https://sites.udel.edu/fsll/project/sigma-phi-delta/

Society for the Advancement of Material & Process Engineering (SAMPE)

The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) is a global professional organization dedicated to the advancement of materials and processes used in various industries, with a particular focus on aerospace, automotive, and other high-performance sectors.

Advisor: Erik Thostenson

President: Lukas Fuessel

Vice President: Seyda Alasahin

Secretary: Shagata Das

Treasurer: Branndon Chen

Website: https://www.ccm.udel.edu/

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

Purpose and Goals:

  • Promote the advancement of Hispanic engineers and scientists in education and in future employment.
  • Improve the retention and enrollment of Hispanic students in engineering, science and other technical fields.
  • Develop and participate in programs with the university and industry, which benefit students seeking technical and science degrees.
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of information pertinent to the development of future Hispanic professionals.
  • Develop opportunities in the local Hispanic community.

AdvisorRaul F. Lobo
Claire D. LeClaire Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

President: Isabel Ortiz

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/shpe

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), founded in 1950, is a non-profit educational and service organization. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life-changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders.

Advisor: Catherine Fromen
Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

President: Kayla Wolf 

Vice President: Joaquina Somma

Secretary: Grace Hepler

Treasurer: Elizbeth Manning

Fundraising Chair: Caroline Gilliard

Conference Chair: Erin Smyntek

Events/E-week chair: Abby Nguyen

Outreach Chairs: Madison Johnson & CJ Williams

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/societyofwomenengineers

Tau Beta Pi

The Tau Beta Pi Association, Inc. was founded in 1885 to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their alma mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in the field of engineering, or by their attainments as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of liberal culture in the engineering colleges.

Advisor: Abraham M. Lenhoff
Allan P. Colburn Professor of Chemical Engineering

President: Georgia Angeletakis

Vice President: Kaelyn Owens

Secretary: Georgia Angeletakis

Treasurer: Kaelyn Owens

Website: https://sites.udel.edu/taubetapi/

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)

The Biomedical Engineering Society is a professional society of motivated students interested in biomedical engineering! We are dedicated to career building, mentorship, and overall collaboration in the community.

Faculty Advisor: Julie Karand
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

President: Sudha Anilkumar

Vice President: Kristine Hauser

Secretary: Abigail Caridi

Treasurer: Sindhu Narayan

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/biomedicalengineeringsociety

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

As a consistent top-ten program, Chemical Engineering at the University of Delaware has a long tradition of excellence. The American Institute of Chemical Engineers has a long-established history with the faculty at the University, and the student chapter is currently in the process of meeting the high standards set by the department. Through participation in AIChE-sponsored events, students have the opportunity to interact with their peers at other universities, and the current officers are striving to provide students with career-related information. The student chapter at the University also provides members with opportunities to network with Chemical Engineering professionals in local and regional sections.

Advisor:  Joshua Enszer
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

External President: John Dehais

Internal President: Rachel Dick

Secretary: Lila Hintz

Treasurer: Matthew Conlon

Academic Chair: Defne Elbeyli

Public Relations Chair: Genevieve Kroll

Social Chair: Charlotte Gottilla

Recruitment Chair: Tiffany Jung

Community Chair: Rena So

Professional Chair: Miyu Mudalamane

Website: https://sites.udel.edu/aiche-sc/

Chem-E Car

Chem-E-Car is a club that creates a shoe-box-sized car that runs and stops on chemical reactions. We travel and compete yearly in regional competitions held by AIChE. At the competition, we compete against other schools to see whose car can get closest to a certain distance in a certain amount of time. There is also a poster presentation part of the competition, where the team will have to present a poster about the car to academic professionals. We hold meetings every week where we go into the lab to design and optimize chemical reactions that will power the car. We have subgroups within the club that work on different components of the car, for example, the clock, battery, and Arduino groups.

Advisor: Joshua Enszer
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

President: Lincoln Pritt

Vice President: Thanya Shemi

Secretary: Kainat Azhar

Treasurer: Tiffany Jung

Battery Coordinator: Ali Mousavi

Clock Coordinator: Brian Sipko

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/chemecar


Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

The purpose of the UD Student Chapter shall be to encourage student interest in the study of concrete and to develop an awareness of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), ACI chapters, and consensus procedures by which ACI operates. Competes in regional and national ACI competitions.

Faculty Advisor: Jovan Tatar
Asst. Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

President: James D. Sullivan

Treasurer: Ryan McMahon

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/americanconcreteinstitutestudentchapter

American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)

The goal of the American Institute of Steel Construction student chapter at the University of Delaware is to foster an interest in our members of steel construction as a whole as well as supply some technical skills necessary to design and fabricate steel structures. It is in this way that the club will prepare the members for a career in steel construction while also building a community through the shared interest of steel construction.

Advisor: N/A

President: N/A

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) represents more than 137,500 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is America’s oldest national engineering society. ASCE’s vision is to position engineers as global leaders building a better quality of life. The Society celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2002.

ASCE’s mission is to provide essential value to our members, their careers, our partners, and the public by developing leadership, advancing technology, advocating lifelong learning, and promoting the profession.

AdvisorAllen A. Jayne
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

President: Angelina Filler

Vice President: Emma Padula 

Secretary: Hannah Endres

Treasurer: Liam Naughton 

Social Chair: Zach Bryant

Concrete Canoe Chair: Ryan McMahon

Fundraising Chair: Vincent Hogan

Historian: Bri Riggi

Merchandise Chair: Tricia Devine

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/americansocietyofcivilengineers

American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE)

We connect with industry professionals through on-campus speaker events, off-campus professional dinner meetings, and construction site visits.

AdvisorMatheu Carter
Secretary, ASHE First State Section
Advisor, ASHE@UD & Board Liaison for First State Section

President: Travis Johnson

Vice President: Slade Goldman

Treasurer: Travis Johnson

Social Media Manager: Edrian Vargas

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/americansocietyofhighwayengineers

Construction Engineers of America (CEA)

Construction Engineers of America is committed to building relationships between students and professional construction organizations, as well as creating an environment that encourages the pursuit of knowledge in all fields of construction such as residential, commercial, industrial, and other buildings. We strive for these goals through our values of relationship building, personal responsibility, innovation, and growth in the classroom, aiding students toward success in their upcoming professional opportunities. We aim to provide useful and practical knowledge to our members that will provide an advantage for their future professional careers.

Advisor: Ri Na
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

President: Slade Goldman

Vice President: Caden Brooks 

Secretary: Mathew Kinzel 

Treasurer: Katherine Evans 

VP of recruiting: Nick Ochlan

VP of Outreach: Lindsey Putnam 

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/constructionengineersofamerica

Chi Epsilon

Dedicated to the purpose of maintaining and promoting the status of civil engineering as an ideal profession, Chi Epsilon was organized to recognize the characteristics of the individual civil engineer deemed to be fundamental to the successful pursuit of an engineering career, and to aid in the development of those characteristics in the civil engineering student. Engineering, the application of scientific principles to the practical needs of society, is assuming a constantly increasing responsibility for the well-being of all people, and thus calling for competence of the highest order. This responsibility can be discharged only by a professional group whose members are possessed of a good basic technical ability, intelligence, moral integrity, and effective social poise in their relationship with the larger community of which they are part. To contribute to the improvement of the profession, Chi Epsilon fosters the development and exercise of sound traits of character and technical ability among civil engineers, and its members, by precept and example, toward an ever higher standard of professional service.

Advisors: Monique Head, Assoc. Professor, Civil & Environmental Eg & Jovan Tatar, Asst. Professor, Civil & Environmental Eg

President: Deanna Salinas

Environmental Engineering Student Association (EESA)

The Environmental Engineering Student Association (EESA) is a community service and field trip based organization whose aim is to involve undergraduate students in possible career paths for Environmental Engineers.

Advisor: Daniel K. Cha
Professor Civil & Environmental Engineering

President: Joannie Wong

Computer & Information Sciences

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

ACM is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society. We represent UD’s student chapter to cater to students who deal with computer science and also to those who are simply interested in technology and learning more about the field. We hold weekly meetings, host technical workshops, and run hack-a-thons throughout the semester.

Advisor: Debra Yarrington
Assistant Professor, Computer & Information Sciences

President: Mycah Detorres

Vice President: William Hart

Secretary: Ocean Shen

Treasurer: Matthew Gwin

Event Coordinator: Laura Lewis

Public Relations Officer: Thomas Ashfield

ACM website

Association for Computing Machinery-Women (ACM-W)

ACM-W is an organization with the purpose of empowering and supporting women and non-binary people in computing. We help our members build their professional and technical skills and give them a safe environment to meet other women and non-binary people who share their interests and experiences.

Advisor: Debra Yarrington
Assistant Professor, Computer & Information Sciences

President: Brielle Hina

Vice President: Emma Frampton

Secretary: Joy Mwaria

Treasurer: Sydney Segear

Senior Advisor: Disha Thakar

Mentorship Chair: Olive Odida

Website Manager: Mithra Sankar

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/cisters

CS + Social Good

Our mission is to foster interest in applying technical knowledge and experience in ways that will help our community and promote technology as a means for positive social change.

Advisor: Matthew Mauriello
Assistant Professor, Computer & Information Sciences

President: Diya Shah

Vice President: Benita Abraham

Secretary: Nicole

Treasurer: Sneha N.

Social Media: Charmaine P.

Project Coordinator: Aman S.

Volunteer Outreach: Max W.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Eta Kappa Nu

Eta Kappa Nu is a unique membership organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the electrical and computer engineering fields. Members consist of students, alumni, and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments. Student members are selected on the basis of scholastic standing, character, and leadership. Through a variety of service programs and leadership training, student members develop lifelong skills that earmark them for prominent positions in industry and academia. Members are much better prepared for the post-college world and are especially valuable and attractive to employers. They are recognized as extremely capable, both technically and professionally.

Advisor: Leonard J. Cimini
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering 

President: Jeanae Clark

Treasurer: Rachel Ciganik

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/etakappanuelectricalcomputerengineering

Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest technical professional society. Founded in 1884 by a handful of practitioners of the new electrical engineering discipline, today’s Institute is comprised of more than 320,000 members who conduct and participate in its activities in approximately 150 countries. The men and women of the IEEE are the technical and scientific professionals making the revolutionary engineering advances that are reshaping our world today.

Advisor: Vishal Saxena
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering

President: Martin Olguin

Vice President: Brandon Maravilla Garcia

Secretary: Michael Schleider

Treasurer: Alex Mulrooney

Co-Chair of Public Relations: Rocco Dumnich

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/instituteofelectricalandelectronicengineers

Women in ECE

Our mission with WECE is to provide a supportive community for the women in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department here at UD. We intend to provide an encouraging environment where female members in ECE can meet periodically to build relationships, do group activities, attend educational events and provide helpful resources for outreach and support.

Advisor: Hui Fang

Co-Presidents: Nafisa Maryam​ and Jeanae Clar

Website: https://www.ece.udel.edu/women-in-ece/

Materials Science & Engineering

Materials Research Society (MRS)

MRS@UD is the UD Student Chapter of the Materials Research Society. Our goal is to foster an interactive relationship between students, faculty, and industry spanning all science and engineering disciplines. We work to provide students with exposure to researchers and expertise both within and outside their research area through professional and social events. MRS was established in 1973 by a visionary group of scientists who shared the belief that a new interdisciplinary organization was needed. Today MRS is a growing, vibrant member-driven organization of over 14,000 materials researchers from academia, industry, and government, and a recognized leader in the advancement of interdisciplinary materials research.

Advisor: Joshua Zide
Chairperson, Materials Science & Engineering, Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Contact email: MRS-MSEG@udel.edu

Website: https://sites.udel.edu/mrsma/

Mechanical Engineering

Aero Society of Automotive Engineers (ASAE)

ASAE ultimately aims to represent the University of Delaware’s Department of Mechanical Engineering at the 2024 SAE Aero East Competition by excelling at all competition objectives. This means working together as a cohesive team to design, build, and fly an RC plane from scratch. Team members will enhance and display technical and theoretical competencies, as well as further develop professional engineering practices as we work towards this goal. Additionally, club members will have great opportunities to socialize with professional engineers and company representatives, attend career-building and networking events, and take field trips to local airfields to learn about, build, and fly RC planes.

Advisor: Adam Wickenheiser
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering 

President: Cameron Emmett

Vice President: Suneil Harzenski

Secretary: Alysa Hutton

Treasurer: Josh LaFrance

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/asae

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME aims to be the premier organization for promoting the art, science and practice of mechanical and multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences to our diverse communities throughout the world.

Advisor: N/A

President: Kenny Madden

Vice President: Nick Smith

Secretary: Charlie Whealton

Treasurer: Cam Silva

Public Relations Chair: Cayden Walker

Society of Automotive Engineers

Formula SAE is a chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers at the University of Delaware. Our goal to is use engineering principles to design and build a single-seater formula-style race car to compete in the FSAE competition against 120 other Universities. As a club member, there will be opportunities to manufacture complex composites and metal parts, test existing designs, and race the car.

AdvisorSteven Timmins

President: Justin Orriols

Vice President: Ethan Hensinger

Treasurer: Thomas Greifenberger

Carbon Fiber Lead: Yajaira Vergara-Guzman

Sponsors Lead: Jessica Cohen

Outreach Lead: Nick Bailey

Sponsors Lead: Nicholas Amato

Manufacturing Lead: Michael Pugh

Pitmaster/Equipment Coordinator: Marcus Ceglinski

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/societyofautomotiveengineers

Affiliated Organizations

Assistive Medical Technologies (AMT)

Assistive Medical Technologies (AMT) is an undergraduate club dedicated to designing, building, and distributing cost-effective models of assistive medical devices for non-discriminatory access and availability to all groups of people. We modify toy ride-on cars and develop custom devices for children with mobility restrictions. Through custom DIY technologies, awareness events, and educational workshops, we hope to foster a supportive community that addresses the individual needs of children with mobility restrictions in the local community.

Advisor: Sara Rooney
Asst. Professor, Biomedical Engineering

President: Kevin Foerster

Website: https://sites.udel.edu/clubamt/

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)

The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers was founded in November of 2007 when The Procter and Gamble Company sought to improve the recruitment, retention, and development of Asian heritage scientists and engineers. SASE is an organization that has a vision to be the top organization for future leaders dedicated to the success of Asian professionals. SASE is dedicated to the advancement of Asian heritage scientists and engineers in education and employment to achieve full career potential and also contributing to their communities in which they live. This organization will uphold the following pillars: professional development, cultural awareness, and community service, with our mission being to provide opportunities for growth to future leaders of the global workplace through professional development and community building events.

Advisor: Vu Dinh

President: Dea Harjianto

Our general SASE email is udsase@gmail.com

Website: https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/societyofasianscientistsandengineers