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A plant-powered approach to replacing petrochemicals

Hundreds of UD undergraduate students are continuing on with remarkable research projects remotely, in spite of COVID-19. Alice Amitrano, a UD undergrad from Rome, Italy, is working on a major sustainability issue—she’s exploring natural polymers found in the cell walls of plants as a substitute for BPA, a chemical used to make plastic water bottles and food containers. Read more about Alice’s research on UDaily.


UD triathlete studies Achilles tendons

NASA payload delivers out of this world experience for UD grads

Summer Scholar Spotlight: Yiming Wan & UD’s Scaled Smart City

Research & Innovation

TuFF: Tailored Universal Feedstock for Forming

Researchers at UD’s Center for Composite Materials have created the world’s strongest short fiber composite material that can be stamped into complex shapes, just like sheet metal can be stamped, in less than one minute.

From Automation to Inspiration

Unlocking mysteries about ocean currents

A new term coined at UD: bundlemers!

A New Twist on CRISPR Cas9 

UD invention aims to improve battery performance

Why dual light therapy hits triple negative breast cancer harder

Engineering Talks

Dean Levi T. Thompson Delivers Inaugural Lecture

The College of Engineering presents Levi T. Thompson, Dean of the College of Engineering, as Elizabeth Inez Kelley Professor of Chemical Engineering. This inaugural lecture, held on March 18, 2019, is entitled “Taking a Stab at Alchemy: The Development of Nanostructured Early Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides.”

The One Credit Revolution: UD’s Andy Novocin

Women in Engineering hosted by UD’s Nancy Karibjanian

UD History of the Start-up of Fingerworks