Making moon rocks

Making moon rocks

UD mechanical engineering students help NASA test a moon rover
Designs for the Real World

Designs for the Real World

Senior engineering students team up to solve industry problems Helping children with disabilities complete everyday tasks that many of us take for granted — like picking up a water bottle or throwing on a backpack — was an effort University of Delaware biomedical...
Sustainable Transportation

Sustainable Transportation

New summer engineering program for students to find sustainable solutions for transportation As world leaders gathered in the United Kingdom this fall to address the climate crisis, a team of researchers at the University of Delaware prepared to produce the next...
Shoe Sensors for Stroke Patients

Shoe Sensors for Stroke Patients

UD undergraduate continues biomechanics research Editor’s note: This Q&A is one of a series of articles exploring the research University of Delaware students have been pursuing. Though COVID-19 continues to shape some plans, students still can participate...
A Gentleman and a Scholar

A Gentleman and a Scholar

Rising junior Eduardo Nombera-Bueno lands competitive scholarship from the American Chemical Society Eduardo Nombera-Bueno can vividly recall flying with his family, in 2006, from their home city of Lima, Peru, to the United States. Although he was only five at the...