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Undergraduate Advisement

The Office of Undergraduate Advisement provides comprehensive services for students in the College of Engineering. The central office staff and department-level professional academic advisors are committed to our students’ success by providing academic monitoring, planning and advising; problem-solving; referrals to other university resources; and clarification of department, college, and university policies and procedures.

Contact Us

141 P.S. Du Pont Hall
Phone: 302-831-8659
Fax: 302-831-7399
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I meet with my advisor?
It is recommended that you meet with your advisor at least once a semester to discuss your academic plan, track your progress toward graduation, and to learn about opportunities in your field. Students who meet with their advisor at least once a semester tend to perform better academically.

What if I have a pressing advising question?
Please reach out to your assigned academic advisor first. You may then be re-directed to the COE Undergraduate Advising Office at eg-advisement@udel.edu for further assistance.

What constitutes an excused absence and how do I request one?
Review UD’s Attendance & Absences information and policies first. Then, if you have documentation for absences due to a serious illness, short-term military duty, or death in your family, we can send a Documented Absence Notification to your professors. Please complete your request form for review and approval.

How do I transfer a course back to UD when I take it elsewhere?
Please see the Transfer Credit page for more information.

I have a 3.2 G.P.A. and I haven’t heard about being on the Dean’s List.  Is there a reason why?  Please read about Latin Honors & Degree with Distinction for the University’s policies.

Tracking your academic progress with Stellic

The Stellic platform provides a comprehensive view of your course requirements for your Major(s), Minors, Scholars & Fellows, and Certificate requirements. Read the Quickstart Guide for Students and then learn how to Track your Academic Progress. All requirements on your Audit must be satisfied to receive your diploma. Please contact your academic advisor if you have any questions.

Just for Juniors: Countdown to Senior Year!

Wow! Who would have thought you would be a Junior already! Time has flown by (you are a Blue Hen, after all) and now it is time to prepare your coop before your Senior year. Following are some tasks to check-off this year.

  • Confirm that the following are correct in UDSIS. If they are not, complete the Change of Major, Minor, Concentration form after reading the FAQs.
    • Expected Graduation Term
    • Major(s) and Concentration (if applicable)
    • Minor(s)
  • While there is no formal “Junior Checkout,” this is a great time to make an appointment with your academic advisor to make sure you are on track to complete all the required and appropriate coursework for graduation.
  • Which requirements do I have to complete? You must complete the degree requirements specified in the UG Catalog for the year you entered the University. Contact your academic advisor if you have any questions about this.
  • Track your academic progress with Stellic.
  • Did you have AP/IB, Transfer or other forms of credit that have not been posted to your transcript yet? You need to act now to make that happen. Don’t wait until the last minute. Your academic advisor can assist you or you can check out the Transfer Center site.
  • Complete any coursework for courses with a Sustaining (S) or Incomplete (I) grade. You must have a permanent grade (A-F) for all course to be cleared for graduation.
  • Confirm that your mailing address and phone number are accurate in UDSIS so that you receive important mailings and your diploma!

Just for Seniors: Graduation is coming!

Time to get ready to fly the coop Blue Hen (or maybe continuing nesting as a Graduate Student at UD)!  Time to check these things to make sure all is in order to graduate.

  • Complete a Senior Checkout meeting with your academic advisor. Each department does it differently so make sure to contact your academic advisor within the first two weeks of your senior year.
  • Make sure that:
    • your Expected Graduation Term in UDSIS is correct.
    • you will complete ALL degree requirements for your Major(s), Minor(s), Scholars & Fellows programs, and Certificates.
    • you will fulfill all the coursework specified in the UG Catalog for the year you entered UD.
    • all course exceptions (substitutions, waivers, etc.) have been submitted and approved in the Stellic system (contact your academic advisor for questions about this).
    • (Honors College students only) confirm your progress towards your Honors Degree/Honors Degree with Distinction with the Honors College staff because they will clear you for these degrees.
  • Monitor your email for information about University Commencement, College Convocation, and cap & gown information. Up-to-date Commencement information is found on the Commencement website.

Department Academic Advisors

BME To Be Announced
Biomedical Engineering
Jazmyn Curry
121 Spencer Lab
Mechanical Engineering
Heather Dunlap
140 Evans
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nancy England
141 P.S. Du Pont Hall
Engineering Undeclared
Samantha Fowle
101 Smith Hall
Computer Science, Information Systems
Shanice Gravely
121 Spencer Lab
Mechanical Engineering
Joseph Hofmann
301 DuPont
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Chad Lowe
101 Smith Hall
Computer & Information Sciences
Arkita Mays
263 Colbourn Lab
Chemical Engineering
Suzy Rogers
201 P.S. Du Pont Hall
Materials Science & Engineering