Engineering Design Celebration

Team Detail

210: Safety and durability testing for a novel Ankle-Foot-Orthosis (AFO)

Team Members:

Julianna Wayne, Byron Kasper, Emily Powsner

Sponsor: UD Dept of Kinesiology & Applied Physiology, Dept of Fashion & Apparel Studies

Sponsor Description: 

Elisa Arch, PhD conducts research to study the adaptive capacity of the human musculoskeletal system during movement tasks, the interaction between the musculoskeletal system and prosthetic and orthotic devices, as well as optimization of the design and prescription of prosthetic and orthotic devices. Martha L. Hall, PhD has served as Director of Innovation for the College of Health Sciences at the University of Delaware since 2018. During her time as director she has developed the wearables for health research initiative based in the Innovation Health & Design Lab in the Tower at the STAR (Science, Technology, and Advanced Research) Campus. The Innovation Health & Design Lab at UD works to improve health outcomes and quality of life through the design of wearables - including clothing, wearable technology, protective equipment and rehabilitative or medical devices. These products are created to address the broad spectrum of needs in various patient populations and highlight the importance of patient-centered design in health sciences. With an interdisciplinary team of researchers from occupational therapy, medical diagnostics, kinesiology, behavioral health, mechanical engineering, electrical and computer engineering, prosthetics/orthotics design, and fashion, the Innovation Health & Design Lab provides a unique lens to innovate, prototype, and test new wearables for health.

Faculty Advisor: Prof. Ashutosh Khandha

Presentation Time: 4:30 – 5:00

Room #: 5