Engineering Design Celebration
Team Detail
206*: Device to compress rapid inflow from arterialized vein
Team Members:
Luke James, Violet Ullman, Ethan Todd, Neil Godbole
Sponsor: VPScantleburyMD, LLC
Sponsor Description:
Dr. Velma Scantlebury is an experienced transplant surgeon and associate director of the kidney transplant program in Delaware. She has performed over 2000 transplants and published over 80 peer-reviewed research papers. Her responsibilities include transplant surgery including both donors and recipients, pre- and post-operative care for patients as well as immunosuppressive management. Her role also includes education of residents and surgical staff, including nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Both Dr. Scantlebury and her associate Clare Shumate, RN, BSN have a long history of working in hospital & health care.
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Julie Kohn
Presentation Time: 2:00 – 2:30
Room #: 6