Engineering Design Celebration
Team Detail
124: Bioinspired Propulsion System for Small Watercraft
Team Members:
Luke Williams, Gabe Brown, Connor Tamaki, Mendicino Jake, Isabel Catugas
Sponsor: UD Mechanical Engineering: Dr. Tyler Van Buren
Sponsor Description:
Tyler Van Buren is an Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Tyler’s lab focuses primarily on unsteady flows—including flows that are unsteady purposefully (fish swimming) or chaotically (turbulence) —that are dominated by coherent structure. He develops systems that interact with these flows by sensing and responding to their environment. He stresses fundamental research that has a tangible route to impact the world today. His work will lead to better vehicle design, robots with new methods of propulsion, or novel ways to save energy.
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Tyler Van Buren
Presentation Time: 2:30 – 3:00
Room #: 3