Engineering Design Celebration
Team Detail
122: Fixture for Eye Lens Biomechanical Analyses
Team Members:
Amisha Jain, Marissa Heino, Thomas Manzoni, Baylee Scharf
Sponsor: UD Biological Sciences: Dr. Velia Fowler
Sponsor Description:
Dr. Velia M. Fowler, professor and chair of Biological Sciences, studies the relationship between eye lens shape change and the cellular structures of the lens. The Fowler lab is interested in the effect of lens shape change on the deformation of lens cellular structures and reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Delineating the relationship between shape change and lens architecture is key to understanding the development of presbyopia or far-sightedness, which is an eye condition that affects nearly 100% of the population by the age of 40. Dr. Fowler will work with Dr. Wang in Mechanical Engineering, who has a loading system with the capability of deforming soft tissues like muscle and cartilage on a microscope stage.
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Michael Santare
Presentation Time: 5:00 – 5:30
Room #: 1