Engineering Design Celebration

Team Detail

112: Vaccine Administration Method at Poultry Hatcheries

Team Members:

Matthew Sandford, Justin Leary, Michael Massari, Jessie Lissner

Sponsor: UD Agriculture: Dr. Hong Li

Sponsor Description: 

Dr. Hong Li is an associate professor in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences at the University of Delaware. Dr. Li’s research area focuses on assessing relationships between air emissions and various factors, including animal types, nutrient inputs, manure handling practices, output of animal products, management of feeding operations, confinement conditions, physical characteristics of the site, and climate and weather conditions. Dr. Li has been working on the quantifications and assessments of aerial emissions and quality of broiler, laying hen, turkey, swine, and equine housing systems using real-time continuous monitoring techniques. Dr. Li has actively taken part in several national and regional air emissions research projects funded by USEPA, USDA-NIFA-AFRI, and USDA-NRCS-CIG.

Faculty Advisor: Prof. Jim Glancey

Presentation Time: 5:00 – 5:30

Room #: 4