Engineering Design Celebration
Team Detail
300: UD Aero SAE
Team Members:
Anastasia Cassanelli, Maclaren Blow, Thomas McAdoo, Dylan Kampf, Markos Duey, Chase Haywood, Ethan Deutsch
Sponsor: UD Mechanical Engineering
Sponsor Description:
The Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Delaware prides itself on the hands-on learning opportunities it provides to complement the theory undergraduate students learn in their more traditional engineering classes. This hands-on learning takes place not only in the Design Studio, but in lab-based courses where students conduct experiments to observe, measure, and reinforce concepts taught throughout the curriculum. As with any mechanical system, there is an expected lifetime for these experiments, and equipment must also be updated as the field of engineering progresses and as course content changes. The result is a need to create new experiments for the Mechanical Engineering Program on a semi-regular basis.
Faculty Advisor: Adam Wickenheiser
Presentation Time: 1:30-3:00
Room #: Room 101B