Engineering Design Celebration

Team Detail

113: Samba g3l Print Head Flush Station

Team Members:

Josh Edelson, Hermelis Reyes, Sean Degaetano, Lauren DeSantis

Sponsor: Norwalt Design

Sponsor Description: 

Norwalt Design is a company specializing in the design, engineering, and production of high-speed assembly systems to automate multi part products that require assembly for plastic and some metal parts. Norwalt Design offers various styles of machines including automated assembly systems for consumer goods, medical device assembly systems, cap closing machines, lining machines, layer packers, puck loaders & depuckers, leak testing machinery, feed systems, and prefeeders. Norwalt is today considered one of the top custom assembly machine providers by many of the Fortune 500 companies.

Faculty Advisor: Adam Wickenheiser

Presentation Time: 12:45-1:15

Room #: Room 101B