Engineering Design Celebration

Team Detail

210: Detection and visualization of gait events in individuals wearking an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO)

Team Members:

Kaitlyn Downer, Ashley-Amber Cannon, Christopher McCartney, Chesca Basilio

Sponsor: Elasthetics LLC

Sponsor Description: 

At Elasthetics, our mission is to develop comfortable robots to assist the motion of children with disabilities. Our products deploy soft motors, AKA artificial muscles, to create comfortable and natural assist. DE-AFO is our first product. Powered by artificial muscles, DE-AFO, is a robotic ankle foot orthosis (AFO) for children with cerebral palsy (CP) to help them walk more comfortably and longer. DE-AFO is subject-specific to fit the children with different deviation and deformities; it is modular for cost-efficient maintenance; it is scalable to accommodate for the child growth; it is acoustically noiseless and low profile to be less conspicuous and fit in normal-size shoes.

Faculty Advisor: Prof. Ashutosh Khandha

Presentation Time: 2:00 – 2:30

Room #: Auditorium 125