Engineering staff and students from the University of Delaware’s College of Engineering shared their expertise in digital design and additive manufacturing with a group of aspiring engineers attending a camp held at UD in July.
The UD K-12 STEM/Outreach office hosts “Young Engineers Camp” each summer. This week- long camp is designed to provide students with direct exposure to engineering faculty and students, as well as the opportunity to work on projects with like-minded peers in order to foster interests in science, math and engineering. Larry (LJ) Holmes, Assistant Director for Digital Design & Additive Manufacturing, provided camp participants an overview on Additive Manufacturing. The students were shown state-of-the-art manufacturing projects including very large machines that print bridges and houses, very small machines that print biological tissues and micro-robots, and very unique machines that print electronics and food.
Thomas Lum, Electronics Lab Op-Electrical and Computer Engineering and Theodore Fleck, Junior, Electrical and Computer Engineering student, showed camp participants how to use Computer Aided Design (CAD) to create virtual three-dimensional objects. Once the digital design process was complete, the participants were shown how to turn virtual objects into physical objects using Additive Manufacturing (AM). The session ended with tours of Additive Manufacturing laboratories, where the students were exposed to technologies used as research tools at UD as well as industrial tools for creating innovative products.