University community reports recent presentations, publications

For the Record provides information about recent professional activities of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and alumni.

Recent presentations, publications and service include the following:


Alice D. Ba, professor of political science and international relations, gave an invited presentation titled, “The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the South China Sea: Second Order Priorities?” at a March 2-3 symposium on “Troubled Waters: The South China Sea Question” organized by Yale Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.

Five biomedical engineering students from the University of Delaware presented their work at the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Mid-Atlantic Undergraduate Research Day, held at the Johns Hopkins University on Friday, March 10. The event also included students from the University of Maryland. Most of the attendees presented posters about their research, while two students from each university gave oral presentations. UD’s Maggie Billingsley took second prize and Phoebe Balascio honorable mention in the oral presentation competition.

The following UD students presented their work:

• Phoebe Balascio, “Healthy Achilles Tendon Properties In Vivo: Shear Modulus, Viscosity, and Young’s Modulus.” (Adviser: Karin Silbernagel)

• Margaret Billingsley, “EGFR-Targeted Nanoshells to Improve the Sensitivity of ELISA-Based Detection Methods.” (Adviser: Emily Day)

• Zachary Sexton, “Developing Microfluidic Models for Fluid Stresses in Complex Epithelial Networks.” (Adviser: Jason Gleghorn)

• Nicole Kreuzberger, “Synthesis of Polyethylenimine (PEI)-Coated Spherical Nucleic Acids for Enhanced siRNA Delivery.” (Adviser: Emily Day)

• Grace McIlvain, “Mechanical Properties of the Adolescent Human Brain.” (Adviser: Curtis Johnson)

Sarah Peden, BMES chapter president at UD, also attended the event.


Carla Guerrón Montero, associate professor of anthropology, published a book chapter in Portuguese and two peer-reviewed journal article in English recently. The book chapter, titled “Construindo ‘El Camino’: A Construção de uma Marca País Bem Sucedida e suas Conseqüências” [“Building ‘The Way’: Creating a Successful Tourism Brand for Panama and its Consequences”] was published in Turismo na América Latina: Casos de Sucesso, edited by Alexandre Panosso Neto and Luiz Gonzaga Godoi Trigo (2016, São Paulo: Editora Triunfal, pp. 283-305).

Guerrón Montero also published two journal articles: “To Preserve is to Resist: Threading Black Cultural Heritage from Within in Quilombo Tourism,” guest editor Karla Slocum. Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society (2017; 19(1):75-90); and “Communities of Practice at the Cidade do Saber: Plural Citizenship and Social Inclusion in Bahia (Brazil),” special issue “Communities of Practice in Global Sustainability,” editors Carla Maida and Sam Beck, Anthropology in Action (2016; 23(2): 19-26).

Heinz-Uwe Haus, professor of theatre, published recently Did this Path Have a Heart or How to Die in the Most Inspiring Pose, in: Lumina Lina, The Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, AN XXI/Nr. 4, New York

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