Help Desk
If you need additional support, the COE-IT Help Desk can be reached at
The College of Engineering provides several computer labs called Engineering Computer-Aided Active Learning Classrooms (eCALC) for student use.
Please back up your files regularly.
- The computers reboot after 30 minutes of inactivity.
- Upon reboot, changes made to the computer are erased and files saved on the hard drive will be deleted.
- USB ports are located on the monitors for your convenience.
- No food or drinks at any time.
- Do not use more than one PC at a time.
- Be conscious of unattended PCs.
- Tidy your space up after you are done.
- CAUTION: Performing research using eCALC software may be in violation of software license agreements. The software packages in the eCALCS are for classwork only.
- CAUTION: You are being monitored by video cameras installed in our computer labs and hallways.

Authorized Personnel
- All college of engineering faculty, staff and students, all non-engineering faculty, and students taking engineering courses.
Building Access
- Authorized personnel may enter Evans Hall via UD ID card swipe at the north side handicap accessible entrance.
- Authorized personnel may enter Spencer Lab via UD ID card swipe at the west side handicap accessible main entrance. Access to Spencer Lab allows access to eCALC-Spencer and eCALC-Colburn.
- Authorized personnel may access Pearson Hall only between 8am and 10pm.
Room Access
- During spring and fall semesters, eCALCs are typically used for courses; M-F 8am-9pm.
- Students may use these rooms when not used for classes or closed for maintenance.
- Spencer and Colburn rooms are unlocked M-F 8am-6pm. All other times authorized personnel may access the rooms via UD ID card swipe.
To Schedule an Academic Course:
Find an available eCALC
- Review eCALC room availability at to select an available room for your course(es).
- Select the “View Calendars by Resource” button and then use the “eCALC- Computer Lab” drop-down menu to see each room calendar separately.
Register the course
- Submit the course to the Registrar’s office and request the eCALC room you have pre-qualified as being available.
- It is often helpful if you let them know you have verified the eCALC room you are requesting is available.
- Once the registrar’s office has added the course(es) to their system the course schedule(s) will be automatically updated on our eCALC calendar overnight.
- All rooms roll for Fall and Spring for both engineering and non-engineering courses, but if the meeting pattern of a class is changed, then the class will lose the room and it will need to be re-requested.
To Schedule an Event:
Find an available eCALC
- Review eCALC room availability at to select an available room for your event(s).
- Select the “View Calendars by Resource” button and then use the “eCALC- Computer Lab” drop-down menu to see each room calendar separately.
Submit a Service Desk Request
- Submit a request on the COE-IT Service Desk portal with the dates\times of your event and your preferred eCALC. COE-IT staff will add the event for you on the appropriate calendar.
Resolving Conflicts
Should you be unable to find an available eCALC you can:
- Change the day/time of your course to match the room availability.
- Contact the BA of the department whose course conflicts with yours and negotiate a resolution.
- If you are unable to resolve the dispute you can appeal to the eCALC committee who will prioritize room requests by the relevance of the course or event to the COEG academic mission, and by the need for the course or event to be held in an eCALC, instead of an alternate campus classroom.
Policy Guiding Principles:
- Academic course requests take priority over non-academic requests.
- College of Engineering courses take priority over courses from other colleges.
- Report real time classroom issues to Engineering’s Technology team at 302-831-6334.
- Report equipment/software problems by submitting a request form.
- Report maintenance problems by calling 302-831-1141 or submitting a request form.
- In an emergency, call 911.
- For all non-emergencies, contact the UDPD.
Lost and Found
- Report lost and found by emailing
If you need technology assistance, feel free to contact our IT team.
Computer Lounges
If you need technology assistance, feel free to contact our IT team.
2nd & 3rd Floor Spencer Lounges
2nd & 3rd Floor Spencer Lounges
4 Student PCs - student capacity
131 Spencer Collaboration Center
The Hive
131 Spencer
12 Student PCs - student capacity