Biopharmaceuticals Engineering

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About Biopharmaceuticals Engineering at UD

Biopharmaceuticals—medicines produced from living cells—have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of cancers, Alzheimer’s Disease, and inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

The University of Delaware is home to the National Institute for Innovation in Biopharmaceuticals, a national partnership of 120 universities, community colleges, corporations, government agencies and nonprofit organizations aimed at advancing biopharmaceutical manufacturing innovation and workforce development. The institute director is Kelvin Lee, Gore Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Delaware. NIIMBL is one of 14 Manufacturing USA institutes focused on fundamentally advancing U.S. competitiveness in key industries.

Many researchers across the University of Delaware, including faculty members and students in the College of Engineering, are working on key questions around biopharmaceutical innovation, such as how to extend the shelf life of these medicines and much more.


226,636 sq ft

The Ammon-Pinizzotto Biopharmaceutical Innovation Center now under construction on UD’s STAR Campus will house NIIMBL, the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and UD’s biomedical engineering program, as well as research laboratories in pharmaceutical discovery and molecular and medical sciences.

Recent News

Mastering molecule mechanics

Mastering molecule mechanics

UD researchers shed light on formulation, manufacturing challenges in diabetes, obesity medications.

High-throughput innovation

High-throughput innovation

Researchers in the lab of April Kloxin are using an advanced ‘bioprinter’ to help them study and test new therapeutics.

New building blocks

New building blocks

UD engineers create bacteria that can synthesize an unnatural amino acid

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