Spring Mechanical Engineering Design Celebration
Tuesday, May 24th, 2022 | 1 pm – 6 pm
Clayton Hall, University of Delaware
The University of Delaware’s Department of Mechanical Engineering boasts one of the premier engineering design education programs in the country. The 2022 Spring Engineering Design Celebration is a half-day conference that showcases and celebrates our mechanical engineering students’ many accomplishments this semester. This year’s celebration features teams of students in the following design categories:
Junior Design (MEEG301/304)
Freshmen Design (MEEG102)
Mechatronics (MEEG467/667)
Intermediate Heat Transfer (MEEG640)
Online Project Galleries: Open anytime!
Technical Presentations: Junior Design – 1-5 pm
Technical Presentations: Freshman Design – 1-5 pm
Robotics Competition & Demonstration: Mechatronics – 3-4 pm
Additive Manufacturing Heatsink Competition & Demonstration: Intermediate Heat Transfer – 4-5 pm
Celebration & Awards Ceremony – 5-6 pm
Technical Presentations
Student teams will deliver in-person technical presentations at Pencader Hall. See Design Category below for detailed presentation schedule and room locations, and click here for a map of Clayton Hall. Presentations are open to the public, but room occupancy may be limited in some instances. All attendees must comply with University COVID guidelines for on-campus events.
Junior Design
Mechanical Engineering Junior Design is a core mechanical engineering course sequence that spans the fall (MEEG301) and spring terms (MEEG304). These courses include a year-long real-world manufacturing and automation challenge posed by two local industry sponsors, Norwalt Design and Omega Design. Teams of approximately 10 junior year students design, manufacture, and test the performance of a custom-designed autonomous bottle fill station. This spring semester showcase features end-of-project presentations and prototype demonstrations for this year-long project.
1-5 pm, Concurrent Rooms
Freshmen Design
Mechanical Engineering Freshmen Design (MEEG102: Computer Aided Design) is a core undergraduate course focused on introductory design and fabrication. The course sponsor is Melissa and Doug(r) Toys, a US-based toy design firm and leader in the educational toy market. The showcase features final presentations for team design projects centered on new toy designs for Melissa and Doug(r). Also check out the project gallery for “advertisements” for these toy designs as well as a separate gallery for each student’s individual mini-project, a wooden pull toy.
1-5 pm, Concurrent Rooms
Senior year and graduate students in Mechatronics (MEEG476/667) show off their autonomous vehicle designs for their final course project during this one-hour design competition and demonstration.
Clayton Hall Lobby Area – 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Intermediate Heat Transfer
Graduate students in this course compete in an additive manufacturing heat sink challenge. Over the course of this semester, students design high performance metal heatsinks that balance the need for low maximum temperatures and minimum material usage/cost. In 2022, students must use a filament-based additive manufacturing process that makes use of green part debinding/sintering to produce all metal parts.
Room 125 – 4:00-5:00 pm
Awards Ceremony
Please join us for our awards celebration starting at 5:00 pm in the Clayton Hall Auditorium (Room 128). There will be multiple team and individual awards across all classes, and – as a special event – we will be presenting our Department of Mechanical Engineering Career Award Winners. Refreshments, giveaways, and general shenanigans will be available.
Project Galleries
Browse the Project Galleries below for specific classes and class assignments. All work in these galleries was completed during Spring 2022.
We sincerely thank this year’s industry sponsors for their support of the design projects that are presented at this showcase.
Faculty Advisors
Adam Wickenheiser, PhD (Junior Design & Mechatronics)
Jenni Buckley, PhD (Freshmen Design)
Joe Feser, PhD (Intermediate Heat Transfer)
Thank You
Specific to our Junior Design Program, we would like to thank our two fantastic sponsors, namely Mike Seitel from Norwalt Design and Glenn Siegele from Omega Design. Thanks also goes to Jeff Ricketts with initial concept design. We also had a great team of professional engineers who provided technical guidance throughout the semester, including Kevin Cresswell, Bill Dunfee, Nick Filzen, Ed Gargiulo, Richard Griste, Melody Cerro, Austin Crouse, Keith Harman, Justin Rigg, Ryan Tocker, Adam Bitar, Anthony Dorazio, Kevin Perdue, and Chris Sockel.
For all of our course projects this semester, we’d like to thank our fantastic Design Studio staff. This includes Whitney Sample, Scott Nelson, and Ron Cantrell, as well as all of the hardworking TAs in The Design Studio and Student Machine Shop
Administrative support for the Spring Showcase and the course projects is provided by the fabulous Elaine Nelson, Ann Connor, Amy Adams, and Vicky Tosh-Morelli. We also acknowledge our fantastic Department Chair, Dr. Ajay Prasad, who has the patience of Job for putting up with our collective shenanigans.
Together #WeBuildEngineers.