College of Engineering Machine Shop
What We Do:
The College of Engineering machine shop consists of a full-service research shop that provides machining, assembly and fabrication services in support of research projects and instructional laboratories for College of Engineering students, staff and faculty working on University projects.
Hours of Operation:
The shop is generally open daily Monday through Friday from 8am to noon, and 1pm to 4:30pm. At certain times, those hours may differ or the shop may be closed.
In order to minimize interruptions, the shop staff requests visits to the shop occur between 10:30-11:30am and 2-3pm.
Services Available:
- Professional machining and welding services
- Design assistance (consultation, CAD drawing)
- Stock and fasteners are available on a recharge basis.
- Some hand and power tools are available for loan to research groups upon sign-out. The loan period is one working day. The shop may recharge for items kept beyond this time.
Operating Policy:
Bring a sketch of the part you want fabricated to the shop along with a completed work order form to which the work will be charged. A machinist will review the drawing with you and prepare an estimate of the cost and schedule for completing the work.
Click on link below to submit web form/request for services form. Select research machine shop and upload sketch or drawing. You may visit the shop during normal operating times to discuss drawings.
Shop Rates:
$150/hr for College of Engineering researchers
Master Machinist: Alfred Lance
Master Machinist: Brian Brant
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