The Spore The Better

The Spore The Better

The Spore the Better | Justin J Blair Animal Science – Graduate Student Phase Contrast Light Microscopy (Landscape) Beneficial fungus Duddingtonia flagrans shunts nutrients to specialized hyphal cells to create chlamydospores in response to dry...
The Miracle Behind Laser

The Miracle Behind Laser

The Miracle Behind Laser | Dian Li Mechanical Engineering – Graduate Student Cellphone Camera (Square) See the beautifulness behind the lights. An Ultraviolet laser at 400nm is produced and emitted from a piece of nonlinear crystal where Second Harmonic Generation...
The Jewel Box

The Jewel Box

The Jewel Box | Navarun Jagatpal Electrical & Computer Engineering – Graduate Student Camera (Square) The Jewel Box is an ongoing electronic art project, made by students and instructors in ELEG467-014, Artgineering. It includes an acrylic glass jewel and braided...
Sea Shell

Sea Shell

Sea Shell | Deborah Powell Delaware Biotechnology Institute – Staff Scanning Electron Microscopy (Landscape) A sea shell. The image was pseudo-colored in Photoshop.
Random Tree Stigma

Random Tree Stigma

Random Tree Stigma | Tim Chaya Plant and Soil Science – Graduate Student Multiphoton Microscopy (Portrait) Sometimes science is just playing around to see what happens. This is a stigma from a random tree that is growing behind our lab building. A stigma is the part...